The ability to adapt quickly to a dynamic market and take risks is crucial to success in today’s business world, and this is what I advise everyone. Of course, fluency in the language and the ability to move freely in the world of innovation are also must have competencies. Another thing is the attitude that we have to work very hard at the start. Only when we are successful can we slow down,” says Beata Drzazga, an entrepreneur and owner of several companies in Poland and around the world.
What are your observations on the evolution of values in Europe in recent years?
Beata Drzazga – Fortunately, Europe is moving in a very good direction. A lot of attention is paid to both people and the environment. More and more companies care whether their operations are good for the ecology, for future generations. Countries on other continents can take a cue from European countries. We are very technologically advanced, which makes life easier, and we are also developing innovative medical therapies that extend life. We are constantly introducing new rules to minimize the ecological damage that our civilization has ignored for years. We are forced to do all this by the reality in which we have to live. Europe, as you can see, is burning – this mobilizes us to counteract the effects of these fires. On the other hand, we have places where we see heavy rains or communities are struggling with water shortages. Therefore, Europe must have a very high environmental and social awareness.
More and more households want to care about the future of our planet. Growing social awareness is forcing business to operate responsibly, in accordance with the principles of sustainable development. Customers in every industry and consumers increasingly appreciate companies that invest in sustainable solutions and engage with local communities. Politicians also have a huge influence on all this, so their willingness to act is not insignificant. Countries meet at economic summits and there they must address these pressing issues. Climate disasters, after all, have a very large impact on the economy.
These are all connected vessels. All it takes is one small mistake, one oversight, and everything collapses. Just like in a game of dominoes. This is the result of globalization, which has its bright and dark sides. When we look at agriculture, the fact that crops have to comply with set standards makes them non-bio. After all, these beautiful, even, perfectly colored fruits and vegetables can not be natural. Nature is not perfect.
We should all serve the mission of a better world. Increasingly, entrepreneurs of European SMEs today support not only our employees, but also our local communities. We support charitable programs and strive to minimize our negative impact on the environment. Ethical business conduct in Europe is becoming a priority now more than ever. Therefore, regulations related to data protection and environmental issues affect business strategies. We entrepreneurs try to be proactive in adapting to changing regulations and realities. In this respect, you can see how much Europe has changed for the better.
What industries is Europe betting on?
Beata Drzazga – There are many sectors and trends that can be considered particularly promising. Primarily renewable energy. On the wave today are companies engaged in the production and supply of energy from renewable sources, entities developing energy efficiency technology or betting on innovative green solutions. The technology sector, especially those related to artificial intelligence, is growing steadily and thus contributing to the transformation of many industries. Technology has a key role in supporting innovation in Europe, from autonomous vehicles to advanced data analytics. With an aging population and a growing interest in healthy lifestyles, the healthcare and biotechnology sectors also have great potential. Investment in research, medical technology and health services creates opportunities for both large medical infrastructure and small innovative startups. Another area is cyber security, especially in the context of data protection.
Artificial intelligence is entering very sharply and deeply into the core of the business of many industries. There is no escaping this trend. We are beginning to fear whether AI will destroy us by slipping out of our control. Companies that can prevent this dark vision will certainly be supported by governments around the world. Personally, I do not believe that artificial intelligence can replace a doctor or a nurse, so the medical industry is in my opinion not to be taken over by it. However, I observe that more and more people are living in a matrix, and it scares me, but I hope that we will come to our senses in time.
At business conferences, we often wonder what kind of employees we will need in the age of artificial intelligence. I believe that man must meet man, so if employees come to us and tell us in advance that they only want to work remotely, it should alarm us, because it will not be good for our companies. Companies are people, interacting with each other in person, face to face. Therefore, this human aspect is very important. It is also worth looking at what is happening in the sphere of healthy food and nutrition. Companies offering natural, organic and health-supporting food products are already in growing demand, and demand for their offerings will continue to increase.
Has globalization affected the formation of new values in European business? Do you see any differences between EU countries?
Beata Drzazga – Differences in approach to business between European countries are apparent. In some countries, innovation is more valued, while in others, tradition and stability are more important. In contrast, values, especially new ones such as sustainability and data security, are universal.
How are entrepreneurs in Europe adapting to rapid technological advances? What innovations are currently most in demand and noticeably impact business development?
Beata Drzazga – Today it is not enough to say to yourself, “Don’t stand still.” Currently, we need to sell out those who go before us. In everything we do, we have to care about quality – it’s a constant element of development in every industry today. Rapid technological advances require us to constantly monitor trends and invest in new solutions. Automating processes and personalizing our offerings are key to our competitiveness. In addition, we implement market research and data analysis to better understand customer needs. This allows us to tailor our products and services to their expectations.
What advice and tips would you have for young entrepreneurs who want to start a business in Europe at the dawn of new changes?
Beata Drzazga – I have been meeting people as a speaker for 5 years. From the heart, I want to share, especially with young people, my experience. I acquired them for years and had to see for myself what is bad and what is good. I am often shocked by how creative and entrepreneurial the representatives of the younger generation are today, but when I heard at one conference the phrase: “How to 25. year you don’t do anything great, then you won’t achieve anything anymore,” I thought it was a very discouraging approach. I don’t agree with that. I started, at the age of 30, and built a powerful company. So do many other people. Even Steve Jobs. I am appalled when I hear such stereotypes, after all, they can greatly demotivate people to pursue their dreams. Twenty-year-olds who do not care about such opinion and do their own thing delight me. They are flexible and open to innovation.
The ability to adapt quickly to a dynamic market and take risks is crucial to success in today’s business world, and this is what I advise everyone. Of course, fluency in the language and the ability to move freely in the world of innovation are also must have competencies. Another thing is the attitude that we have to work very hard at the start. The idea of work-life balance is good once we reach a certain level, but not at the beginning of our business journey. This is something I often warn against. For every success you have to work very hard. Only when we relate it can we slow down.
What do you see as the implications of the changes taking place for the future of business in Europe?
Beata Drzazga – We will suffer the consequences of the pandemic and the war in Ukraine for a few more years, but I believe it will be fine. On the other hand, I am most concerned about global warming. Therefore, growing environmental awareness benefits both businesses and society as a whole. The fact that we implement strategies to reduce CO2 emissions, use eco-friendly materials and promote conscious purchasing is our response to this threat. Greater concern for the environment and community contributes to a more sustainable and responsible economy. There is another serious risk in Europe – the so-called The cultural war we face as a result of population migration.
In addition, the focus of many governments’ policies on welfare states, providing high welfare to their citizens, also has some negative effects, primarily making people lazy. It deprives them of the inner compulsion to act, to be entrepreneurial. Young people raised in such homes, where parents live on welfare, get rid of their ambitions. A return to communism is very real and unfortunately frightening. This is happening more and more often.
What does Beata Drzazga do in her spare time?
Beata Drzazga – I try to make up for the time spent over the years building my business by spending it with my family. I love to travel, but on these trips I help. Business-wise I’m going in the direction of creating a foundation. I don’t plan anything, because that’s my nature. I like to surprise myself. What I find very rewarding today is lecturing at the Faculty of Medicine of the Upper Silesian Academy in Katowice, where I became dean 3 years ago. Life will tell what happens next.
Interviewed by Mariusz Gryżewski