Manager Report – Beata Drzazga winner of the prestigious Eco Pillars 2024 award

Manager Report – Beata Drzazga winner of the prestigious Eco Pillars 2024 award

Beata Drzazga, entrepreneur, founder of, among others. BetaMed S.A., a motivator, inspirer and business advisor, has received the Eco Pillars 2024 award from the editors of MANAGER Report for its innovative sustainability efforts. “In helping you give not only money, but also your time. This is the most valuable,” Beata Drzazga stresses.

Laureate is the owner of many companies in Poland and abroad, founder of, among others. BEATA DRZAZGA FOUNDATION, BETAMED S.A., Drzezga Clinic, Dono Da Scheggia, Global Impact.

“I am very pleased to have received the MANAGER Report magazine award. This is an award for innovative sustainability efforts. I believe that every company should pay attention to such activities. I, for twenty-some years, then when ESG was not yet fashionable, paid attention to what I could do both for employees and for society as a whole,” Beata Drzazga said,

ESG is an acronym that stands for the factors on which corporate ratings and non-financial assessments are based; it consists of three elements: E (English. enviromental – environment; S (English. social responsibility – social responsibility; G (corporate governance – corporate governance).

Beata Drzazga stressed that it is worth rewarding more entrepreneurs for such action, as ESGs require dedication to extra work on their part, and should really be put first.

“I have long spoken to the employees of my company: >>What can we do for people who see that I’ve built a clinic and wonder what purpose it will serve and who will run it, what approach will we have? <<. Because usually people look at new ventures critically. I said: >>Come on, we’ll start inviting these people to join us. Let’s try to show that we are friendly, oriented to have contact with them and do something for them<<. The first such gestures on our part were events for people from the surrounding neighborhoods on the occasion of Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, and we invited to talks on diabetes. Each company knows what from its activities it can give to society.” – Chairman Drzazga said.

She admitted that she had long been involved in philanthropy.

“First quietly, then a little louder, I conducted philanthropic activities both as a company and as an individual. I didn’t mean that I could deduct VAT, because medical companies don’t pay VAT, but that we can pay attention and be sensitive to what who needs what.” – She explained.

This year, once again, it will join the “Dream Train” campaign. This is a nationwide initiative that aims to provide summer trips for children who, for various reasons, do not have the opportunity for a summer vacation.

“Very many children and adults in Poland have never seen the sea or the mountains. This is amazing,” Beata Drzazga noted.

At her companies, she organizes traditional Christmas Eve parties for employees, which allows her to stay in touch with her subordinates, although with a total workforce of approx. three thousand people, it is not possible to hold a single, joint meeting. Employees receive packages – surprises, cinema and theater tickets, vouchers to stores and also the opportunity to draw trips abroad.

“We can help, make surprises. That’s why I opened the Beata Drzazga Foundation because I want to learn to work together, not just put up money. Together with people who have a desire and a good heart, we will implement various projects. My priority project is to help the people I know – the patients. I have a database of those people who had bad conditions at home, they could not afford many things. I will be buying beds, bedding,” Beata Drzazga announced.

The founder of BetaMed S.A. stresses that helping is not only about giving money, but also sharing one’s time – and that, in her opinion, is the most valuable thing.

“We are busy, the time that was intended for the family is devoted to these needy people. Often, they can’t believe that one has come to them, because they think that businessmen are busy and busy. We are, but we should also be normlan people.” – Beata Drzazga pointed out.

She stressed that she is guided by the motto: success is that you achieve success, but remain yourself.

“Remain yourself, remain sensitive to people, respect people, respect employees, respect people around you, continue to be normal, because this money and what you have achieved should never change you.” – Beata Drzazga concluded.

Source: Manager Report