– Philanthropy in Business – Philanthropy in Business

Beata Drzazga – entrepreneur, visionary, founder of BetaMed S.A., the largest long-term care company in Poland. She is the one who talks about philanthropy in the context of pervasive social needs that inspire her to act to help others.

What do you associate philanthropy with?

Philanthropy for me is always a beautiful and positive action, because it is a form of help that people offer to other people.

What is the reason why you feel the need to help?

It always moves me and saddens me when I see someone getting hurt. I feel joy when I can offer help, which does not always have to be material. Sometimes all it takes is a heartfelt word or a moment when we can listen to someone who needs support. I believe that every person with an open heart wants to help. Although there are many who offer their help without publicity, I think it’s important for some people to be visible. In this way, they can be an inspiration and an example, encouraging other people to act for those in need. It is not about the amount of help, but about doing something at all. When we share our commitment, we are trying to reach other people’s hearts and make them look around them, noticing that there are many people in need of support. Even just participating in charity events can open us up to the needs of others and make us act on their behalf. Personally, I am an ardent supporter of activities that support sick children, people facing rare diseases and people in difficult life situations. I just want to help wherever it is needed.

How do your actions for the benefit of others affect your daily life and work?

It is great that just my work is very much connected with helping. Thanks to this, performing my duties brings me great satisfaction. The same also applies to my employees, who have chosen a professional path in the medical field by true vocation. I have managed to find harmony between my work and my passion, which makes it often difficult for me to distinguish whether it is still work or already pure philanthropy. I actively support various foundations and participate in numerous charity events. Even in situations where I see an appeal for help in the media, I am deeply moved and feel an inner need to help the disadvantaged, especially those living in extreme poverty.

Can this helping change a person?

Change no, but it can reassure us that it is of great value to all. When we understand how many people need help and how this need is constant, we begin to feel that our efforts are only a modest drop in the ocean of need.

Should companies also engage in charitable activities, or is this more of a corporate image strategy?

Business cannot remain indifferent to the needs of society. Even if it undertakes charitable activities as part of its image strategy, it brings more benefit than harm. Therefore, more and more companies are implementing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives. Such involvement also demonstrates to employees that their company cares about social issues. Working with organizations such as the Polish Business Council and the Business Center Club, we participate in various initiatives. At the beginning of the war as members, we collectively purchased a large amount of footwear to support the soldiers in Ukraine. Personally, I was very touched when I was able to send help from any company I run. Watching people’s reactions to the outbreak of war and seeing the overwhelming support for Ukrainian citizens, I was all the more moved.

Have you received any honors or awards for your social activities?

I received an exceptional award in the form of the Social Solidarity Medal. This is a great honor for me and additional motivation to engage even more intensively in community outreach and to deserve this award. In addition, I was extremely pleased to receive the Gold Medal Award during the 47. edition of the charity ball in Miami, where Consul Blanka Rosenstiel recognized the contribution to the creation of the largest medical company for the sick and my involvement in international activities and philanthropy. This is a great honor for me.
